Tired of being served the shit sandwich!
I wish people would just cut straight to the crap instead of continuing to serve the “shit sandwich”. Am I not adult enough to hear the word NO? Do we live in this society that people are so afraid of offending other people that we have to sugar coat everything? Honestly, it is exhausting. If you are not familiar with what a shit sandwich is let the Urban Dictionary educate you. To put it simply it is a way to deliver rejection in the middle of two slices of nice. So, I live in a community of single family homes which connects to a 55+ community that has a community center with an indoor pool. The adjoining community never had a problem emailing me when I was organizing our yard sale and wanting to get in on date, time, advertising, etc but...
All White Parties…. It’s not racist, it’s just douchebaggery!
All white parties. Has anyone ever heard of these or am I the only one living under a rock these days? Just when I think I am not as old as I am becoming I witness something that literally makes me stop, stare, and look that shit up on the internet. But yes, if you are going to come on my turf doing your city thang you are getting oogled and googled. Anyway, over the weekend I’m sitting at a quiet table for two when about halfway through dinner in comes a party of 6. This wasn’t just any party of 6. This was a party dressed completely in white. From the women in their oversized oxford shirts to the metrosexual man in his fashion forward skin tight romper this group was dinner party ready. Needless to say my head turned and not back quick...
IHOP? I’m sure immediately you are thinking pancakes. Not quite. #I.H.O.P. has been my hashtag, typically at the end of a rant about some idiot, again justifying to myself why I hate people! Do I hate all people? No. I have a small circle, well a dot, and I LOVE my dog and to me he is my people! Regardless, there is this hate I have for many people. I tolerate a lot and try not to show my frustration outwardly but when you have reached my last nerve you are getting IHOP’d. So, what does it stand for? Kind of reminds me of that OPP song when I ask that. If you are not singing that in your head right now you are way too old or boring to be reading my blog. Anyway, IHOP is easy: I I H Hate P People What about the O you ask? Well, depending on the situation the O is...
Delaware Right or Delaware Wrong?
So, rule #1 for me is don’t name names. That crap can come back to bite you in the ass in a heartbeat and it seems that my ass is always the one to get bitten no matter how clean of a nose I have. Never done a drug, never had a criminal record, 3 degrees, and I generally keep to myself. I know, I sound boring but I’m a real fun girl. But I have a big ass so maybe a bite or two wouldn’t be a bad thing. Anyway, it seems there is this other blog set up in Delaware for political purposes. Don’t fall asleep. I HATE politics but you might be interested in what I have to say. A little background on the blog will help though. The host of the blog has several tabs to let his groupies know what this site is all about. First, a So what are...
The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it’s open…
I’m not sure who came up with that quote but I feel like an open-minded person living in a world where people’s minds close everyday. There is no listening to reason, background, or individual situations. It’s simply react or get offended and, what I find, is that they are the ones that look like a total assclown in the end. Anyway, I am approaching my 40th birthday and it is time to reflect. High school was what it was, my 20’s were awesome, and then 30 is where the lightbulb came on to all of the things that made me go hmmmm. I always hear people say “you can’t make this shit up”. There is a lot of truth in that. So, sit back and enjoy. I cannot promise these stories will be in any type of order. I can promise...
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